Delta Legion Wiki

Ming Zeeno

Ming Zeeno was a Chiss in an ancient Chiss clan that lived in Dantus Forest. Much like the Rancor Clan, the Chiss had death battles with creatures, but they used less deadly creatures that they found in the forest. In one of these battles, they used unknown alien creatures much like wolves. They were later named Zepargis. A Zepargi is what Ming was fighting with, and she was fighting another Zepargi. She lost, and was left for dead. The Rancor Clan found her unconcious, and brought her to their village. They eventually found out about her being in the Chiss Clan, and planned to execute her. Getts Zeeno saved her, ran away with her, and eventually married. They had three kids, Avarda, Matt, and Gertrude.


Ming was born on the icy Chiss homeplanet, Csilla. Csilla was being bombed by corrupt Mirialan. As soon as the mothership landed, all you could see were green-skinned aliens with red lightsabers. Ming's parents put Ming in the auto-freezer, and in minutes she was frozen. (Keep in mind she was only a baby, and it is Star Wars technology.) She was unfrozen by Chiss and brought to Dantus, where she was raised.
